Jonathan Lockwood - Okuma Fishing Tackle

Project Profile

I had auditioned for a certain job on Voice123, but when Pat McSharry of In-Depth Outdoors heard it, he sent me a private message saying he thought I'd be great for another project they were working on for Okuma Fishing Tackle, a premium manufacturer of fishing rods and reels. The super good news: after sending him my audition for that, they decided to hire me for both jobs. :)

The client's notes said this was their second go-round in nabbing the right voice actor. Not finding what they were looking for, they increased the budget and were trying again. The target was freshwater fishermen in the Midwest, and they wanted someone to make the script “come alive” powerfully and emotionally, so it would resonate with passionate anglers.

I’ve mentioned this before, but I really love it when a producer turns me loose on a powerful read. No holding back, no tiptoeing, no pulling punches. The title of this ad is, “Inspired Fishing,” and here’s hoping it's done just that.

Client Okuma Fishing Tackle
Producer In-Depth Outdoors
Industry Fishing
Style Powerful, Emotional